Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Fire, functional and information security at hazardous industrial facilities are the most important aspects to ensure the sustainability of the production process. In high-risk industries, standards for fire, functional and information security of systems and processes are applied as independent. The expansion of the intellectualization of production, as well as the continuous digital transformation of business processes, determine the relevance of the interconnectedness of fire, functional and information security of complex systems. The connection between fire, functional and information security is so close that it is quite difficult to segment them. New contradictions and conflicts can also arise when problems and various aspects of security are considered independently of each other. Therefore, the question of how to integrate and differentiate fire, functional and information security is problematic and quite relevant, which needs to be addressed. Currently, there are a number of studies and campaigns on the integration of fire, functional and information security. The concept of a comprehensive risk assessment and an integrated model of the life cycle of functional and information security systems are considered. The description and the proposed basis for achieving integration of various security areas are given. It is proposed to consider the complex application of fire, functional and information security of hazardous production facilities in relation to the practice of state fire supervision activities.

fire safety, functional safety, information security, hazardous production facilities, state fire supervision, mathematical model of integrated safety
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