Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study examines the software adaptation of e-courses in the LMS Moodle environment with a focus on the integration and functionality of SCORM packages, emphasizing the long-term benefits of creating e-courses, including time savings, improved quality of education and teacher effectiveness. The study provides an overview of popular tools for creating SCORM packages such as iSpring Suite, Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate and Camtasia Studio and discusses their features and compatibility with Moodle. The challenges of integrating SCORM packages with Moodle are analyzed, including issues of compatibility and accuracy of data exchange. Based on empirical research and practical examples, a software solution for the effective interaction of SCORM and Moodle is presented, including an algorithm and software for optimized data processing and score display. The results obtained allow to significantly simplify the processes of course management, assessment and evaluation, which will ultimately benefit both instructors and students.

LMS Moodle, SCORM suite, script development, e-learning, course customization, iSpring Suite, educational technology, online education
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