Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides an analysis of statistical data on the number of fires and material damage at the facilities of trade and the problem of ensuring the safety of the population when visiting especially shopping and entertainment centers in cases of fires in them. This is justified by the specifics of the functioning of such objects and the simultaneous visit to the large contingent of people, as well as the content of goods in them capable of ignition and isolating toxic gases. Statistical data on human losses and material damage in large fires in shopping and entertainment centers in recent years are given. Features of ensuring the fire safety of such objects related to the placement of centers and entertainment zones are considered on the top floors. Based on the analysis of the causes of fires in the nightclub «Lame horse» and shopping and entertainment center «Winter cherry» shopping and entertainment center, ways to improve prevention and fire safety measures to improve the safety of visitors are considered: Surgical-planning solutions in the design associated with the use of materials during the construction of increased fire resistance, developed on the basis of nanotechnology, the placement of film centers and entertainment zones on the lower floors, the improvement of the complex of detection systems and alerts about fire and automatic fire extinguishing, evacuation methods.

shopping mall, fire load, fire detection and warning system, automatic fire extinguishing system, fire resistance

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