Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The Arctic Council is described, the history of its formation, structure, and the activities of the EMERCOM of Russia in the working group on prevention, preparedness and emergency response are presented. Most of the publication is devoted to the approaches of the Russian Federation to issues of interaction within the framework of the Arctic council. The characteristic features of the Arctic council are noted, including the absence of military-oriented tasks. The content and implementation of the Plan of main activities in connection with the chairmanship of the Russian Federation in the Arctic council in 2021–2023 are analyzed. In the context of emergency prevention in the region, there is a general increase in tension in the Arctic in the context of the impact of a special military operation in Ukraine. It is concluded that the solution of the urgent problems of the region is possible only on the basis of balanced and mutually beneficial international cooperation for the development of the Arctic zone.

Arctic council, Russia, chairmanship, working group, international cooperation, security of population and territories, emergency situations, sustainable development, special military operation

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