Russian Federation
The issues of human safety in water transport are considered. A comparative analysis of the Charter of the merchant shipping company for rivers, waters and seas of 1781 and the Code of merchant shipping of the Russian Federation of 1999 on ensuring the safety of people on water transport has been carried out. The author analyzes the concepts of «shipbuilder», «shipowner», «captain» in regulatory acts, norms on their responsibility, norms on their powers in the event of a threat to safety and the imposition of penalties for offenses, ensuring sanitary and epidemiological and fire safety. A comparative historical and legal analysis of individual provisions is carried out taking into account the modern development of society, technology and technologies of shipbuilding and navigation, the use of modern terminology and principles. Ideographic, historical, comparative legal methods and the method of legal hermeneutics were used. As a result of the analysis, a conclusion has been formulated on the historical and legal succession of the Russian Federation to issues of ensuring human safety in water transport.
Charter of the merchant shipping company on rivers, waters and Seas of 1781, Code of merchant shipping, Code of inland waterway transport, safety, ship safety, safety of people, shipbuilder, shipowner, ship captain, powers of the ship's captain, ship, merchant ship, ship, water transport
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