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Abstract (English):
The basic provisions of Sergey S. Alekseev's teaching on the value of law are revealed. Considerable attention is paid to the efforts of the famous jurist to substantiate law as a value under the domination of Marxist ideology. The merit of S.S. Alekseev was that he was able to prove the value of law in a society in which party acts predetermined the nature and content of legal rules, and law itself was considered a temporary, coming phenomenon. In the 90s of the last century, the researcher took a significant step towards overcoming methodological monism. The famous scientist moved away from totalitarian socialism and settled on the «true principles of Leninism», which led to a partial revision of the author's approach to the value of law. However, the real turn in S.S. Alekseev's views occurred in the 2000s. The scientist switched to the position of a universal type of legal understanding, questioning the basic provisions of the Marxist axiology of law. Based on various philosophical concepts, Sergei S. severely criticized the Soviet approach to law and legality. He justified the value of law from other methodological positions.

law, socialist law, value, legal values, socialist legality, social institution, class approach, legal positivism, state will, properties of law
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