Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
hopping and entertainment complexes are objects of increased fire hazard due to their architectural and planning features, high concentration of people and the presence of a large amount of flammable materials. The paper considers ways to improve fire safety at shopping and entertainment centers by using fire extinguishing systems and additional means that provide a set of organizational and technical measures. The article analyzes statistical data on fires at retail facilities and facilities with large numbers of people. The article studies the compliance of buildings with the requirements of current regulatory legal acts in the field of fire safety. The article defines approaches to choosing economically feasible options for fire protection of shopping centers in operation in the Russian Federation, including standardization of the maximum permissible area of fire compartments, structural fire protection of building structures, organization of evacuation routes and exits. The practical component proposes to improve the level of fire safety for this category of buildings by using autonomous fire extinguishing systems that allow for arbitrary recognition and prevention of fire at an early stage in protected and inaccessible places for people. The functionality will allow detecting and extinguishing a fire without the participation of facility personnel and the use of primary fire extinguishing means before the arrival of fire brigades. The organizational, methodological and technical recommendations for improving the fire safety system of shopping and entertainment complexes are substantiated.
fire safety, functional fire hazard, shopping and entertainment complexes, fire extinguishing systems
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