Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The phenomenon of marginal victimization is considered, its concept and main features are defined, the connection of marginal behavior, both illegal and lawful, with the individual's reaction to the risks generated by the challenges and threats of the modern world is analyzed. The authors came to the conclusion that the institute of security in modern conditions is effective only if it is represented by a system design that combines threat diagnostics and risk minimization. In order to substantiate this position, the article discusses two areas of system security - preventive and operational. The hypothetical basis of these directions is the presumption of potential exposure to danger caused by threats and risks from any subject in any life situation. The author's opinion is expressed that in strategic planning documents, a person should be considered as a separate independent subject of protective legal influence, and in order to ensure its victimological safety, it is necessary either to provide independent victimology training courses in educational programs, or to organize the inclusion of separate thematic blocks in sectoral and intersectoral disciplines.

challenges, risks, threats, system security, victimological security, victimization, victimization, victim
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