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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The problematic issues of determining the staffing of the federal state fire supervision interrogators are considered. In the course of the research, the existing approaches in science to determining the number of staff are analyzed. The authors pay special attention to the methods proposed by S.Y. Karpov and A.V. Matyushin for determining the staff number of interrogators of the EMERCOM of Russia system. Based on the existing approaches to determining the staffing, the author's approach to optimizing the activities of interrogators is proposed, which does not imply a reduction or increase in the staffing, but is focused on improving the performance of current tasks and functions of the interrogator by reducing the time spent on them. The authors designated this process as «organizational optimization» and identified its corresponding methods. Within the framework of organizational optimization, it is proposed to exclude the territorial binding of the service area of the investigator, to provide at the legislative level the inspection staff of the state fire supervision with the possibility of conducting an inspection in accordance with article 144 of the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation, to introduce the institute of public assistants, to form territorial departments on the principle of combining specialties, to actively use existing technologies in interdepartmental interaction, for example, videoconferencing and electronic document management. The conclusions presented in the article will allow optimizing the activities of the investigators of the EMERCOM system of Russia and reduce the existing time load of performing official tasks.

state fire supervision, inquiry, investigators, optimization, staffing
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