Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Features of preparation of methodical material for carrying out lecture in the form of distance learning are presented. The basic functional requirements for software for creating a video lecture-presentation are considered.

learning process, organization, methods of training, distance learning
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1. Subacheva A.A. Mul'timediynoe soprovozhdenie vvodnoy lekcii pri izuchenii slozhnyh tehnicheskih disciplin // Sovremennye problemy nauki, obrazovaniya i proizvodstva: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. N. Novgorod: VGIPU, 2009. S. 301-304.

2. Sayt sluzhby podderzhki Microsoft Office. URL: https://support. office.com/ru-ru (data obrascheniya: 02.02.2018).

3. «Kinostudiya Windows 12». URL: http://windows.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows-live/ movie-maker (data obrascheniya: 02.02.2018).

4. Oficial'nyy sayt programmy «CamStudio». URL: http://camstudio.org (data obrascheniya: 02.02.2018).

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