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Abstract (English):
The aim of the work is to study the capabilities and functions of existing systems for monitoring the state of municipal solid waste landfills. This article discusses the existing systems for monitoring the state of municipal solid waste landfills, which make it possible to determine the presence of fires, seismic activity, an increase in temperature in the body of the landfill, and/or predict the further development of the situation if the parameters deviate from values acceptable for the functioning of the landfill. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the actualization of approaches to monitoring the state of municipal solid waste landfills, taking into account foreign solutions and identifying the vector for the development of domestic products on the market. Through the analysis of monitoring systems, their main functions, principle of operation and distinctive features were identified and described. The study shows the predominant presence of foreign components in most of the monitoring systems considered.

monitoring system, municipal solid waste landfill, environmental safety
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