Against the multipurpose branch and intersectoral public control exercised EMERCOM of Russia, the administrative contract as a form of the state administrative activity is studied. Legal questions of the administrative contract signed by EMERCOM of Russia with government bodies, executive authorities at federal level and mediating horizontal administrative legal relationship, and also with the supreme bodies of executive power of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation about mutual transfer each other implementation of part of the powers in the solution of questions of protection of the population and the territory from emergency situations of natural and technogenic character and elimination of their consequences, the organization and carrying out a wrecking are consider ed at emergency situations of intermunicipal and regional character, the organization of suppression of fires, the organizations and carrying out actions for civil defense, rescue of people on water objects and mediating diagonal administrative legal relationship.
form of the state administrative activity, competence, administrative contract, horizontal administrative legal relationship, diagonal administrative legal relationship
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