Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This article discusses and analyzes certain provisions and features of the organization and conduct of inspections in 2022 in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control, as well as changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, which had a significant impact on the total number of control supervisory measures carried out, which led to a decrease in federal budget revenues from administrative fines in 2022. Statistics are provided on the number of cases initiated regarding administrative offenses in the field of fire safety in 2022, on the number of appealed and canceled decisions imposing administrative punishment, executed decisions on imposing administrative punishment, the number of planned and unscheduled control (supervisory) activities and issued orders to eliminate identified violations. As a result of the analysis, conclusions are formulated that will help to understand the results of administrative and legal activities and the implementation of federal state fire supervision over the implementation of established fire safety requirements.
EMERCOM of Russia, federal state fire supervision, state fire supervision authorities, fire, control (supervisory) measures, administrative and legal activities, administrative punishment, fire safety requirements, violation of fire safety requirements, federal budget
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