Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problems of food supply in the Arctic zone and the northern territories of Russia, which depend on timely northern delivery, are being investigated. It was revealed that the northern territories are heterogeneous, they differ in social and economic development, due to the diversity in financial provision, the availability of food resources is heterogeneous, and the balance of nutrition differs significantly. It is revealed that the absence of a legislative act regulating problematic issues of northern importation negatively affects the implementation of works related to the timely provision of the Arctic zone and northern territories. It has been established that the qualitative increase in agricultural and commercial production in the Arctic zone is directly related to the socio-economic development of rural settlements. The fishing farms of the Arctic zone have a long centuries-old history, their specialization was formed due to natural conditions, under the influence of geographical location. It is shown that agriculture in the northern regions of Russia, due to the natural features and specifics of modern market relations, can develop intensively with targeted state support. The organization of northern agriculture requires the creation of an investment climate, for which it is necessary to adopt legal documents. It is recommended that public authorities, when implementing the social function of the state in territories with extreme natural conditions, promptly adopt the necessary legal documents ensuring a favorable regime for the development of agriculture and traditional crafts.

northern delivery, development, legal norms, agriculture, traditional crafts, provision
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