Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the specifics of the priorities of the Russian Federation in the direction of ensuring security in the Arctic. The national transport communication in the designated region is considered – the Northern sea route, the functioning of which is provided by a modern nuclear icebreaker fleet. The author, based on logistics efficiency indicators, draws attention to the availability of material and technical means, in order to ensure the competitiveness of trade operations. Concludes that Russia is rapidly increasing its potential despite the difficult geopolitical situation. There is an increase in cargo turnover of seaports in the arctic basin due to bulk (dangerous) cargo, which requires the development of legal provisions aimed at damping adverse consequences and possible harm to the ecosystem of the Arctic, the waters of the Northern sea route. In conclusion, options for adapting the regulatory framework to modern conditions are proposed, which, according to the author, will have a beneficial effect on ensuring security in the Arctic.

security, national security, economic security, transport security, environmental safety, Northern sea route, Arctic
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