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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the existing international problems of improving the process of coordinating the humanitarian response to UN emergencies. The analysis of the need to conduct a study on the prospects for further improvement of the UN humanitarian emergency response coordination system has been carried out. It is reflected that, by their nature, humanitarian problems can arise unpredictably and have negative consequences, including for the population, material and cultural values. It is concluded that the urgent need of the world's states to receive international humanitarian assistance is the main incentive for the development of the UN humanitarian emergency response coordination system. The main factors influencing the improvement of the humanitarian response coordination system have been identified. The implementation of the principle of humanism aimed at the comprehensive realization of the life support of the affected population, in which the most important role belongs to States with preferential economic opportunities, is determined. The decisive role of using international experience in the use of national emergency response services of individual states is reflected, taking into account the specific features of the training of management bodies, forces and means, as well as in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal regulation in the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations. The main directions of improving the system of coordination of humanitarian response to the UN emergency are proposed.

coordination of humanitarian response, UN emergencies, humanitarian principles, vital activity of the population, directions for improving the system
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