Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of normative legal acts regulating the assessment of the activities of local governments and public authorities, including supervisory authorities, was carried out, which showed that the lists of main indicators characterizing material damage from the activities of supervisory authorities, including indirect ones, do not allow to fully assess their activities. As a result of the study, an indicator for assessing the activities of supervisory authorities, in particular state fire supervision, was proposed and justified. To this end, the expert assessment method was used to select the significance of performance indicators and the effectiveness of the federal state fire supervision of EMERCOM of Russia, based on which the indicators determining the assessment of its activities were established. The authors propose to evaluate the work of the bodies controlling fire safety by an integral value characterizing the magnitude of the fire risk of all objects of protection in the territory where fire safety is monitored by the territorial bodies of state fire supervision.

state and municipal control, supervisory authorities of EMERCOM of Russia, assessment of activities, fire safety, expert assessment, fire risk
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