Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The analysis of the cluster structure of the UN humanitarian emergency response coordination system has been carried out. It is concluded that a cluster system has been created within the framework of the UN to address issues of coordinating humanitarian assistance to the affected population from external threats. It is determined that the main principles of participation in the coordination of humanitarian assistance issues are: the principle of mutual consistency, the principle of voluntariness, the principle of exclusion of totalitarianism of command and excessive control. The main problems existing in modern strategic planning in the field of humanitarian response are identified. The cluster approach has been analyzed to address the issues of coordinating the humanitarian response to UN emergencies. It is reflected that in the framework of humanitarian operations, the use of a cluster system determines a differentiated approach in the distribution of tasks and powers among all participants, including government agencies, international non-governmental organizations, organizations that finance humanitarian assistance. The provisions of the main functions of clusters used in the implementation of humanitarian response coordination are disclosed. As part of the implementation of a flexible approach to the implementation of humanitarian assistance, the types of clusters have been identified, as well as the main prerequisites for the activation and deactivation of clusters. A set of main tasks to be implemented by the cluster approach at the country level has been identified. Four ways have been proposed to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian response through the use of a cluster approach. The main factors for achieving the effectiveness of cluster management in matters of humanitarian response to UN emergencies have been identified.
cluster system, coordination, humanitarian response, emergencies, cluster activation, management efficiency, country level
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