Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At present, there is an increase in the scale of forest fires and, accordingly, an increase in damage from them. Effective fighting of forest fires contributes to the reduction of the consequences of forest fires. The effectiveness of forest fire suppression is influenced by the state of the country's forest fire system. Based on the analysis of the state of the forest fire system of the country revealed that the effectiveness of units to extinguish forest fires is influenced by the equipment of units with firefighting forces and means. The purpose of this work is to develop a simulation model of forest firefighting units to assess the equipment of subdivisions with firefighting forces and means. The method of simulation modeling was used in this work. As a simulation tool the software product AnyLogic was used. This paper describes the development of a forest firefighting unit model for extinguishing forest fires. Also in this work the possibility of using the developed model for the evaluation of the forest firefighting units with firefighting forces and means has been considered.

forest fires, forest fire suppression, forest fire brigades, simulation modelling, AnyLogic, forest protection

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