Russian Federation
UDK 340.5 Сравнительное правоведение
UDK 342.5 Государственная власть. Государственные органы
The theoretical and legal aspects of the development and changes in the concepts of personal interest and conflict of interest in the system of public administration of the Russian Federation are considered. The constitutional and regulatory norms of public administration as a mechanism implementing public interests are considered, as well as possible situations where the emergence of personal interest threatens the objectivity of decisions and requires the introduction of effective regulatory mechanisms to maintain transparency and public confidence in the government. Particular attention is paid to the law enforcement difficulties associated with the uncertainty of categories of intangible benefits, the circle of significant persons, as well as difficulties in identifying potential conflicts of interest. The author proposes an amendment to part 2 of article 10 of Federal law № 273-FZ dated December 25, 2008 «On combating corruption», ways to solve these problems through the development of clear criteria for classifying intangible benefits, clarifying the circle of persons whose interests may be significant, and introducing models of situations that can prevent conflicts of interest, which contributes to increase transparency and objectivity in law enforcement activities.
public administration, personal interest, conflict of interest, public service, corruption, corruption risks, benefit
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