Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article provides an overview of the main organizational and managerial tasks to ensure protection from natural emergencies during marine activities in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The main mechanism for ensuring the safety of maritime economic activity in the Arctic is called the prevention of emergency situations by forecasting them. The problems of natural (climatic extremes) emergencies are emphasized, the main directions of obtaining predictive information, scientific and scientific-technical activities, and the tasks of legal regulation are briefly outlined. The guideline for the presentation of the topic of the article is the Maritime doctrine of the Russian Federation – a strategic act of the Head of state, which contains the main provisions on the principles and mechanisms of maritime activities in the Russian Federation. The result of this study is the positioning of emergency forecasting as an inseparable segment of activity in the Arctic from the economy.

Arctic, emergencies, forecasting, marine activities, climatic processes, Arctic seas, scientific activity in the Arctic, safety of navigation, Northern sea route
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